Tuesday, 18 December 2007

The collection in numbers

Thanks everybody for the greatest collection we’ve ever done!

The final numbers are:

Fano, IT: € 415,00
Monaco, MC: € 1.000,00
Valencia, SP: € 1.230,00
Anacortes, US: US$ 155,00

Thanks again and please stay tuned for news!
Muchas gracias

Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Christmas collection is open. It will close on Friday the 14th of December.
For any inquire you can contact me by phone +34 691 169 584, email castro@inbox.com or either Skype: castro.r . There are two collecting points:

Matteo Bisio
P: +39 335 128 3670
E: mbisio@wally.com
A: Wally Europe, Parco Industriale Bellocchi, Fano (PU)

Ricardo Castro
P: +34 691 169 584
E: castro@inbox.com
A: BOR, Base 8, AC Port (working time) –
Avenida de Francia 1, Torre 3, 11C, Valencia

Supports can be either sent to this account:
Bancaja Fidenzis ************* / Ricardo Castro
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda!

Monday, 10 September 2007

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Kid's day at Sonrisa de un Niño

Kid's day cellebrated on Sunday 19th August at
Sonrisa de un Niño. All food served this day and
most of the toys donated belongs to our collection!

Friday, 10 August 2007

Kid's day at Abriendo Caminos

Kid's day celebration at Abriendo Caminos.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Kid's day - Día del Niño - NEW COLLECTION (II)

This collection is pretty close to finish. Please remember we're closing it on Tuesday 7th in order to have enough time to buy the necessary stuff by Sunday. Thanks again for your support!

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Kid's day - Día del Niño - NEW COLLECTION

I’m arranging a new collection in occasion of the celebration of the “kid’s day” on the 12th of August. The idea is to close it by Wednesday the 7th in order to have enough time organize the purchase and distribution.
My first intention was to do this collection later on spring time, but due to the extremely cold winter we’re going trough -with snow included-, I feel force to anticipate it. We need to increase the vitamins and caloric power on the food. And there is no better occasion than their day.
E-mail to castro@inbox.com or Skype me at castro.r and I’ll find the way to make it work. Supporters in Argentina can collaborate as well with toys, child’s clothes or food.
Thanks again.

Monday, 23 July 2007

A Dinner at "Sonrisa de un Niño"

Dinner fully prepared with food of our donnation!

What happened during the past 6 years?

Food delivery - June 2007
As much as a 306 can carry

Food delivery at "Sonrisa de un Niño"
Angélica's crew - June 2007

Angélica from "Sonrisa de un Niño" checking that
all included into the invoice is delivered - June 2007

Food delivery at Sonrisa de un Niño
More than 1500 kg in one shoot - April 2007

Food delivered at "Sonrisa de un Niño" - April 2007

Delivery at "Sonrisa de un Niño" - April 2007
Angélica's daugther, me, a neighbour and Angélica

Delivery at "Abriendo Caminos" - April 2007

Delivery at "Abriendo Caminos" - April 2007

Delivery at "Abriendo Caminos" - April 2007
Me, Alicia (owner of the place) & Nacho

Food delivery at Sonrisa de un Niño - 2005
Top (left to right) Emi, Juani, Bali, Nico & me.
Below Angélica (owner) and two helpers.

Buying the food to deliver - 2005

Super Sopa - Special High Caloric Food developed
by Universidad Nacional de Quilmes -
Delivery at "Abriendo Caminos" - 2004

Food delivery - 2003 - Comedor "Sonrisa de un Niño"
Angélica (center) and her family

Finally a Blog!

Dear friends,
Too many things happened since this collection begun almost six years ago. But, do you remember how it started? It was during the Wally Yachts Christmas party in Monte Carlo when the pioneering interior designer Alessandra “Ale” Negrato moved from one table to other collecting money in order to give me for buying food for the poor kids in my home town. That was on December 2001, when Argentina was going trough it worst economical crisis ever.
With the first move done, then was easy to keep it moving, year after year. When Wally landed into the peaceful city of Fano, Italy, we got many new friends desirous to help. Thanks to them and the faithful Monaco office –including valuable generosity of Doc Luca Bassani Antivari-, we’ve collected enough money to buy over 10 tons of food in between 2001 and 2006!
Last year found me involved on an America's Cup team, moving in between Seattle and Valencia. Convinced to keep going with the collection I organized a new collection into the BMW Oracle Racing team. Great responsibility of it success belongs to the awesome Saskia Green and the BMW “dream team” of German engineers. The Argentinean legion into the team and JYD guys responded over expectations.
But my biggest happiness was receiving the collection done at Wally. It was done even I was no there! This time was Matteo “Mat” Bisio who granted the continuity of the collection again together with the always helpful Jaqueline Dalmasso in Monaco. The wheel was moving alone.
This “solidarity community” of friends is growing and needs new ways of communication. With this intention I created HELP FOR KIDS Blog. My intention is to use this blog not only to keep you up to date but also to be a way to invite new friends to be part of this.
Are you in?