Tuesday, 18 December 2007

The collection in numbers

Thanks everybody for the greatest collection we’ve ever done!

The final numbers are:

Fano, IT: € 415,00
Monaco, MC: € 1.000,00
Valencia, SP: € 1.230,00
Anacortes, US: US$ 155,00

Thanks again and please stay tuned for news!
Muchas gracias

Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Christmas collection is open. It will close on Friday the 14th of December.
For any inquire you can contact me by phone +34 691 169 584, email castro@inbox.com or either Skype: castro.r . There are two collecting points:

Matteo Bisio
P: +39 335 128 3670
E: mbisio@wally.com
A: Wally Europe, Parco Industriale Bellocchi, Fano (PU)

Ricardo Castro
P: +34 691 169 584
E: castro@inbox.com
A: BOR, Base 8, AC Port (working time) –
Avenida de Francia 1, Torre 3, 11C, Valencia

Supports can be either sent to this account:
Bancaja Fidenzis ************* / Ricardo Castro
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda!